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To save or to splurge? That is the question.

 To save or to splurge? That is the question.decorative imageWhen decorating your home, saving money is great. Who doesn't love finding a deal on an item and then not-so-subtly bragging about it when guests come over? Bargain-hunting does, however, have its limits, and the impulse to save now might cost you in the long run. Here are a couple places to splurge, and a couple ways to save when decorating your home.

Furniture is a mixed bag. You can get away with an inexpensive coffee table found at a vintage store, and you may be able to score a killer deal on a dining table that looks far more expensive than it is. But when it comes to upholstery, proceed with caution, especially with large pieces. Cheap textiles can pill, rip, wear out easily, and stain permanently. Plus, the material often gets scratchy and uncomfortable.

What do rugs and art have in common?

If you consider the amount of space a sofa occupies, and how often you're using it, it's best not to cut corners. Spring for something with quality construction and materials, and it could last 15 years or more. That being said, furniture manufacturers are facing the same supply chain and labor issues that are impacting the prices of many consumer goods right now. If you are considering splurging on a sofa this year, it might be best to sit tight and wait for things to cool off.

While some designers will tell you that price is no object when it comes to art, the reality is that most of us aren't playing with Picasso money. Luckily, online marketplaces like Society6, Minted, and Etsy allow you to find unique pieces without breaking the bank, and, as a bonus, you'll be supporting emerging artists instead of buying stuff that's mass-produced.

Skimp out on your flooring and you may find yourself needing to replace it prematurely—or live with the consequences of a poor choice. Everything from thin wood, to poor adhesive, to carpet that won't stand up to kids and pets, can cause problems sooner than you expect. Save yourself the time, money, and headache, and pay to get it done right the first time.

Area rugs are one of the best items for bargain hunters because there are myriad options that are both durable and affordable. A natural sisal rug can hide the appearance of dirt and take a beating, but at a price point that won't make you cry when Fido has an accident. Flatweave wool rugs are another popular-yet-affordable option.

When in doubt, just consider the room your rug is going in. Is there a lot of foot traffic? Pet and kid access? Potential for food or drink spills? If the answer is yes to any of the above, save your money and go with something inexpensive and replaceable.


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