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Growing Your Winter Herb Garden


Growing Your Winter Herb Garden
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Now that winter weather has descended on much of the country, there are still loads of things a homeowner can grow to keep the freshest of ingredients available for winter culinary adventures.

Basil, chives, mints and parsley are just a few herbs that do very nicely in pots with bright indirect light. It might surprise you to know you don’t need direct sunlight for growing most herbs; the indirect light most of us get will work fine.

Fresh herbs all winter long

East-, south- and west-facing windows should all give your herbs enough light, especially if you set up a small table or use a counter that keeps plants about a foot away from window glass.

Start with a few basics, such as oregano, thyme, parsley, basil and rosemary. Then add a few others that your family particularly enjoys in their favorite meals. Cilantro? Dill? Chives?

Check your garden center for high-quality seeds or for healthy and vigorous-looking starter plants. It’s also worth checking to see if there’s a selection of starter plants in your grocery store’s produce section.

If your herb garden is in your kitchen, the plants should get some additional humidity from your use of the sink or dishwasher. If not, lightly mist them with a water spray bottle.


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