Hard vs. Soft Credit Inquiries When you get a copy of your credit report, you'll see more than just your current and historical credit accounts. You'll see your payment history, including any payments made more than 30, 60 and 90 days past the due date, along with your account balances and credit limits. You'll also see credit inquiries. A credit inquiry is simply an instance where you or a third party has looked at your credit report. Some credit inquiries can have an impact on your overall credit scores, but not all inquiries are so consequential. There are two types of credit inquiries – a hard and a soft inquiry . Soft inquiries are common and somewhat frequent. The most common type of soft inquiry is one where a creditor is curious about offering you a new credit account, so they check your score to make sure you qualify. If you've ever received an offer for a credit card that's preapproved, that company has done a soft inquiry on your report. Other t...
Tiffany Morrisett is a Real Estate Broker with Coldwell Banker serving the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago. Owner of affordable, elegant home furnishings store, Tiffany-Interiors.com Real Estate: TiffanyMorrisett.cbintouch.com Affordable and elegant Home Furnishings: Tiffany-Interiors.com Direct Phone: (847) 857-8276 Email: tiffany.morrisett@cbexchange.com Social: facebook.com/AnAgentYouOughtaKnow twitter.com/MorrisettAt instagram.com/tiffanymorrisett_realtor/